Madison Magazine September 1982: Miles McMillin reflects on life and “The Times”
Miles McMillin had been with the Capitol Times since 1945, and was Editor and Publisher during the newspaper strike of 1977. George was an outdoor writer for the Capitol Times in 1977 and walked out on the picket line on October 1, 1977. George never went back to the Capitol…
Madison Magazine June 1982 – Gordon MacQuarrie – an old pro who knew how to communicate in the wild, and out of it
George wrote about Gordon MacQuarrie in the May 14, 1982 edition of Isthmus. You can find that article by clicking here.
Isthmus 3-18-83: Poem for the Old Man
A tribute to George’s father who died on March 18, 1974, which originally appeared in an April, 1982 Madison Magazine column which you can see by clicking here. This column appears in North Country Notebook, Volume I (p. 186 if you are interested!)
Madison Magazine April 1982 – North Country Notebook – Anniversary and some signs of Spring
This is a wonderful tribute to George’s father which was reprinted the next year in a North Country Notebook column which you can see by clicking here. This column appears in North Country Notebook, Volume I (p. 186 if you are interested!)
Wisconsin Tales and Trails May/June 1984: Peter and the Powerhouse
George had not written for Wisconsin Tales and Trails for over a decade when he did this article for Howard Mead. The magazine had been renamed Wisconsin Trails, and was now coming out six times a year in a small, regular-sized magazine format.
Wisconsin Tales and Trails Summer 1972: The Poetry of Edna Meudt is a Song From The Southwest
George published Edna Meudt’s autobiography The Rose Jar in 1990. He did not expect to make any money by having North Country Press publish the book, but he wanted it to be done and done well. It is a beautiful hardcover edition which honored Edna’s writing.