Wisconsin Tales and Trails May/June 1984: Peter and the Powerhouse
George had not written for Wisconsin Tales and Trails for over a decade when he did this article for Howard Mead. The magazine had been renamed Wisconsin Trails, and was now coming out six times a year in a small, regular-sized magazine format.
Wisconsin Tales and Trails Summer 1972: The Poetry of Edna Meudt is a Song From The Southwest
George published Edna Meudt’s autobiography The Rose Jar in 1990. He did not expect to make any money by having North Country Press publish the book, but he wanted it to be done and done well. It is a beautiful hardcover edition which honored Edna’s writing.
Listening In 7-25-86: Eugene Parks – The Real Issues
To read George’s 1989 feature article about Gene, click here.
Isthmus 12-8-89: The Price He’s Paid
Feature article about Gene Parks. To read George’s 1986 interview with Gene, click here.