Isthmus 1-8-85: Hibernating

George included this column in North Country Notebook Volume II. Turn to page 54 in the red hymnal sitting on top of the cash register at the American Legion Bar in Three Lakes. This story was also one of four stories included in the cassette Pages from a North Country…

Isthmus 10-14-94: Roads with a View

This North Country Notebook column was written after George and his wife Helen toured some of the Rustic Roads in the north country to prepare for his written contribution to Bob Rashid’s wonderful book Rustic Roads: A Road Less Traveled. The poem contained here is included in the “poems” section…


This poem appeared in Poet: An International Monthly in July, 1973. Karma What if it is as some have said Those some few who refuse to be dead That we have all been here before Remaking our lives, remaking our bed Were you a soldier, were you a whore? Were…