The Grocer With One Good Eye
The Grocer With One Good Eye appeared in the Spring, 1955 volume of the Armenian Review. The magazine included the following “about the Author” blurb: George Vukelich, whose “The Grocer With One Good Eye” is his first contribution to the The Armenian Review, was born in 1927, in So. Milwaukee,…
Isthmus 7-7-95: Somethin’ stinks in Madison
This is the last column that George wrote for the Isthmus, and appeared two days after his death. This was the last of several articles that George wrote that were critical of the Thompson administration’s environmental policies.
Isthmus 4-14-95: Party Pooper
This is one of several columns George wrote in 1995 that was highly critical of some of the efforts by the Gov. Thompson administration to dismantle the public intervenor’s office and re-align some of the priorities of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Wisconsin Tales and Trails Summer 1974: Sunday Mornings, Poem by George Vukelich
A stunning example of the quality of Wisconsin Tales and Trails magazine for the fan of good photography and good writing.
The Turtle
The Turtle was originally published in the New Letters Magazine of the University of Kansas City Press in the summer of 1958. It has been reprinted numerous times in high school English textbooks and in several collections of short stories. It appeared in the Bantam Books Top Ten Stories paperback…
Madison Magazine February 1981 – Hanging out with Steady Eddy
If you ever wondered if Steady Eddy was real, here is an article about hanging out with him. Steady Eddy’s thoughtful reflections, whether actually said by him or not, became a regular part of George’s North Country Notebook columns in the Isthmus. George wrote a regular column for Madison Magazine…
The Sturgeon
This short story appeared in The University of Kansas City Review, Spring, 1958 edition. This short story was then edited and makes up the last chapters of George’s 1962 novel Fisherman’s Beach. The hardcover version of the novel was published by St. Martin’s Press. George reprinted a paperback version under his…
Isthmus 8-24-90: 14 Weeks x 2 Guys (About the book Distant Fires)
George always said that Canoeing with the Cree by Eric Severeid was a must-have classic for any paddler. He was extremely excited about the book Distant Fires which was inspired by that book and the canoe trip it chronicled. The young author of Distant Fires, Scott Anderson, died in 1999 while testing the…
Spendin’ Time in Nashville
Here is a country song that George wrote and sang into a little micro tape recorder. This has not appeared anywhere other than a sheet of paper given to his son. Spendin’ Time in Nashville By George Vukelich, 1990 Been spendin’ time in Nashville Looking for some fun I know…
Bill Sanders – September, 1985: The Art Of Dissent
Read George’s 1974 review of Bill Sanders’ wonderful book: Run for the Oval Room… They Can’t Corner Us There! by clicking here.