Isthmus 12-20-85: Body Heat
George’s classic Christmas story which became a yearly event in the Isthmus. It can also be found on page 123 of North Country Notebook, volume II. George also recorded a version of this which was released as a cassette with three other stories.
Isthmus 1-16-81: Something Simple
This is another one of George’s columns which appears in North Country Notebook, Volume I (the green one). George edited the version in the book quite a bit the result is a short column about ice fishing. As you read the article, at the halfway point you’ll see the line…
The Capital Times 6-29-77: Wilderness a ‘sacred’ place – part 3
Part 3 of a Three Part Interview with Sigurd Olson: George drove up to Ely, Minnesota with his daughter Martha, and spent time talking to Sigurd about the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The result was a three-part series in the Capital Times. Just over a year after the…
The Capital Times 6-28-77: Sigurd Olson’s battle – part 2
Part 2 of a Three Part Interview with Sigurd Olson: George drove up to Ely, Minnesota with his daughter Martha, and spent time talking to Sigurd about the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The result was a three-part series in the Capital Times. Just over a year after the…
The Capital Times 6-27-77: 50 years later, Olson still fights for BWCA – part 1
Part 1 of a Three Part Interview with Sigurd Olson: George drove up to Ely, Minnesota with his daughter Martha, and spent time talking to Sigurd about the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The result was a three-part series in the Capital Times. Just over a year after the…
Milwaukee Journal 11-12-89: Mourning (Short Story)
The short story “Mourning” appeared in the Wisconsin magazine insert of the Milwaukee Journal on November 11, 1989. The insert was a regular part of the Sunday edition of the Milwaukee Journal and George contributed a number of articles and short stories over the years.
Isthmus 5-30-80: Cleaning Fish
This column appears in North Country Notebook, Volume 1 at page 54.