Isthmus 12-20-85: Body Heat

George’s classic Christmas story which became a yearly event in the Isthmus. It can also be found on page 123 of North Country Notebook, volume II. George also recorded a version of this which was released as a cassette with three other stories.

Isthmus 1-16-81: Something Simple

This is another one of George’s columns which appears in North Country Notebook, Volume I (the green one). George edited the version in the book quite a bit the result is a short column about ice fishing. As you read the article, at the halfway point you’ll see the line…

Isthmus 4-14-95: Party Pooper

This is one of several columns George wrote in 1995 that was highly critical of some of the efforts by the Gov. Thompson administration to dismantle the public intervenor’s office and re-align some of the priorities of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.