The Grocer With One Good Eye
The Grocer With One Good Eye appeared in the Spring, 1955 volume of the Armenian Review. The magazine included the following “about the Author” blurb:
George Vukelich, whose “The Grocer With One Good Eye” is his first contribution to the The Armenian Review, was born in 1927, in So. Milwaukee, WIs. of Slavic parents. He is a veteran of ETO service in World War II, attended the University of Wisconsin as an English language major, and graduated from the Academy of Radio Arts, Toronto. Vukelich poetry has appeared in Idiom, Beloit Poetry Journal and Botteghe Oscure, while his first short story was published as “Atlantic First” in the Atlantic Monthly of last June. Vukelich has also written radio scripts for the Canadian Broadcasting Co., and the Ford Theater. He is currently a member of the staff of station WKOW-CBS, Madison Wis., as an evening disk jockey doing an original type of popular music show – JAZZ – shown from 10:30 to 12 midnite. He is married to a Madison girl, has one daughter, and lives in De-Forest, WIs “in a small country home with three acres and two dogs”. Vukelich is currently “doing research on the problem of the lamprey in the Great Lakes,” with the purpose of writing eventually a novel on that theme. He expresses his delight “for the opportunity to publish in such a worthy magazine as The Armenian Review”.